Fraud, Deceptions, And Downright Lies About FAKE URINE Exposed

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Potential users must therefore carefully consider its ethical and legal ramifications prior to making their decision to utilize this device. Individuals with expectations to know about SYNTHETIC PEE and other details can feel free to visit here.

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The Whizzinator Pressure Belt is an add-on that goes across the front of a bladder bag to increase internal pressure, thus producing stronger, more consistent urine streams while remaining comfortable and discreet.

The Whizzinator was developed to assist users in passing drug tests without taking part. According to reports, numerous probationers and even one NFL player have used it successfully to avoid taking drug tests. It includes drainage tube, thermometer, drainage tubing, thermometer, vial of Gold'n Shower lab grade dehydrated fake urine that meets quality checks as well as two eight hour heating pads with precise instructions for use. Get to know about this FAKE PEE in the link.


Synthetic urine is a chemical substance designed to mimic the composition and chemical properties of human urine. It contains substances that mimic urea, creatinine and uric acid in order to create an indistinguishable imitation that can be used for drug testing or calibrating testing equipment.

The highest-grade synthetic urine products use premium-quality ingredients and are manufactured under controlled conditions, creating products with similar odor and temperature characteristics as real urine, making it difficult for labs to detect tampering or the presence of specific chemicals that indicate non-genuineness of urine samples.

When purchasing synthetic urine, be sure to find a kit with everything necessary for its preparation and proper mixing process. Look for detailed instructions with no surprises when it comes time for mixing. Quality should always come before price; one such top-rated product that will ensure success in passing a urine test is the Clear Choice Incognito Belt. Those that want to understand SYNTHETIC PEE, they will visit here.


The Whizzinator has been used to cheat drug tests for at least two decades and its purpose has long been revealed as being to bypass them. It consists of leg straps with elastic belts attached that simulate urine flow along with foam, scent and heating pads to simulate urine flow - if caught using one it could even result in jail time or the cancellation of probation.

Rep. Marsha Blackburn made it clear during a hearing held recently by Congress on this subject that this device is an imminent danger to national security, linking it directly to 9/11. Furthermore, she claimed it undermines federal agency workplace drug testing programs.

Whizzinator (formerly Puck Technology) manufacturers were arrested three years later for defrauding the US government by helping people falsify urine samples. Their co-owner and patent holder Gerald Wills was sentenced to six months of incarceration followed by three years of supervised release; subsequent ownership of this brand has since passed to Alternate Lifestyles Systems; its product remains on sale today.


The WHIZZINATOR Pressure Belt is an increasingly popular way of cheating drug tests, but it's important to be aware of any associated risks before purchasing one. This adult-oriented novelty features a soft pressure belt designed to emulate urine flow, an authentic-looking urine sample with all necessary PH values, foam content and fragrance characteristics as well as heating pads to maintain body temperature.

Pressure belts refer to the distribution of atmospheric pressure across the globe. Different regions experience various types of air pressure due to temperature and altitude changes; as altitude increases, air pressure decreases accordingly resulting in different pressure belts across our world.

